My Lord Allah is Lateef لطيف

 Quran Verse about Al Lateef الطيف 

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

وَرَفَعَ أَبَوَيْهِ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ وَخَرُّوا لَهُ ۥ  سُجَّدًا  ۖ  وَقَالَ يٰٓأَبَتِ هٰذَا تَأْوِيلُ رُءْيٰىَ مِنْ قَبْلُ قَدْ جَعَلَهَا رَبِّى حَقًّا  ۖ  وَقَدْ أَحْسَنَ بِىٓ إِذْ أَخْرَجَنِى مِنَ السِّجْنِ وَجَآءَ بِكُمْ مِّنَ الْبَدْوِ مِنۢ بَعْدِ أَنْ نَّزَغَ الشَّيْطٰنُ بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَ إِخْوَتِىٓ  ۚ  إِنَّ رَبِّى لَطِيفٌ لِّمَا يَشَآءُ  ۚ  إِنَّهُ ۥ  هُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ
And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, "O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.
[Al Quran: Soorah Yusuf: Verse 100]

My reflection about Quran Verse

SubhanAllah. The part of this ayah which inspires me most is إِنَّ رَبِّى لَطِيفٌ لِّمَا يَشَآءُ meaning -  Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. لطيف is one of Allah's names. And I think I need to understand what this name means before appreciating the ayah. The meanings that I found for لطيف are Subtle, Subtly Kind, Most Affectionate, Knower of innermost secrets. When I check the meaning of Subtle in dictionary, it says -so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe, making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.
SubhanAllah. Allah is truly Lateef لطيف  How hopeless was the case of Yusuf عليه السلام when he was in the prison! Only Allah could take him out of prison. In fact the whole life of Yusuf عليه السلام inspires me so much. It is just hard to imagine how a child is being thrown into the well by step brothers and then spent his prime years in prison for no crime. How strong was his Iman that after spending all these years in prison,  he admits that his Lord is Lateef after realizing how Allah got him out of prison and how Allah brought his parents out of bedouin life and made his brothers bow down to him who were at one time in life were ready to kill him. لطيف is the name which is perfectly suited for this ayah summarizing the major happenings in life of Yusuf عليه السلام. Truly Allah used subtleness taking clever and indirect methods to achieve His plans. I truly appreciate how Allah made these brothers bow down to Yusuf عليه السلام after all the sibling rivalry. Allah is truly Lateef.
In our lives too, things happen all the times. Sometimes we appreciate and sometimes we don’t but all is part of Allah’s plan. Sometimes we appreciate later when we reap the benefits of Allah’s plan. I was planning to write for quite a while and yet I was unable to. Mostly because my 13 month old doesn’t let me write. Today out of nowhere an old friend of mine sent me the email that I wrote 6 years ago and I wonder how in world I had so much time to write a lot. Truly Allah is Lateef who made this friend of mine email me and that inspired me to write again although not that much but still better than nothing. Ever wonder how some friends just tell you something at just the right time and you just get ready to run again. How is all that possible? Only because Allah is Lateef and He achieves His plans without us realizing. When I look at my 13 month old, I also have to admit Allah is Lateef. He is getting teeth. Just imagine, how painful are the implants and yet Allah is giving him teeth without anesthesia without him and us realizing he got so many teeth. MashaAllah, alhamdolillah.

Duaas I made after reading this Quran Verse

رَبِّ زِدْنِیْ عِلْمًا
My Lord, increase me in knowledge.
اے میرے رب ! میرے علم میں اضافہ فرما۔
( طٰه : 114 )
رَبَّنَا عَلَیْكَ تَوَکَّلْنَا وَاِلَيْكَ اَنَبْنَا وَاِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيْرُ
Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination.
اے ہمارے رب! تجھ پر ہم نے بھروسہ کیا اور تیری طرف ہم نے رجوع کیا اور تیری ہی طرف لوٹنا ہے۔
( الممتحنة : 4 )

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